your Cell Phone Running in the Disaster
[1 min 2 seconds ]
Little known and
simple methods to have all of the cell phone power
you need. |
Alkaline Batteries
[ 1 min 20 secs]
This is what you
NEVER hear about a flashlight and batteries on the
TV, the Radio nor anywhere else. If you don't
want to be in the dark and you are going to trust
your life to a battery, then you better listen to
this. |
Refrigerators and Freezers
[ 1min 58 seconds ]
The stupid things
people do that they did not need to do over the
hysteria for their refrigerator and freezer.
This 2 minutes of audio will educate you and take a
big burden off you of stuff you thought you had to
do, and prevent a MAJOR problem as well. |
Water for
Everyone - In Trash Bags
[ 1 min 34 seconds ]
Well.. you're stuck. You can't get out.
The hurricane is almost there and you need water.
A lot of water stored fast. This is how
to get 50 gallons of clean safe drinking water in 10
minutes, and FORGET your 'bathtub'.
Water in Soda Bottles
[ 58 Seconds ]
Of the thousands of people who have written me about
my long .mp3 family prep class (below) this is the
one that I get the most comments on. I have
had people LAUGH at their neighbors for paying $20 a
gallon for water and they had PLENTY in soda
bottles... get the details, the truths, and myths
here. |
- Keep from Drowning - Easier than you Think !
[ 1 min 13sec ]
Know what killed the majority of those people who
died in Katrina ?? Drowning. There is no
reason for it, floatation is all around you. |