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KnowledgePublications (dot) com
Steven is the founder and CEO of
www.KnowledgePublications.com and
www.USH2.com The
Best Place on the Web to Buy Books on Solar, Hydrogen, Wind,
Biomass, Fuel Cells and anything you want to know about making
Energy at Home Yourself. |
Where ever you go on our many different sites, you'll probably
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Corporate Identity.
KP Stands for Knowledge Publications Corporation. Our
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G and hard to put on pencils, erasers, widgets, and website
banners. So we have a shorter domain name we use
which is www.USH2.com which
stands for United States Hydrogen (H2)
Knowledge Publications has been in business since 2006 providing
quality books and DVDs on the subjects of Solar, Hydrogen, Fuel
Cells, Alcohol Fuel, Biomass Gasification and about anything you
want to know about Hands On DIY Home Energy and Power.
Steven Harris is a professional development engineer in this
field and has selected and published almost ALL of the books and
is the author of ALL of the Hydrogen DVDs that we sell.
With 55 Books and 6 DVDs you cannot find more information on the
subject in any one place on the web anywhere else.
Contact information: email support (at)
KnowledgePublications (dot) com. Obviously replace
the (at) with a @ and the (dot) with a . We just do this
to avoid spam.